副主任医师 副教授 硕士研究生导师 Associate Professor
擅长 : 在胸腺肿瘤方面,2011年开始师从美国耶鲁大学教授Frank Detterbeck(国际胸腺恶性疾病协作组主席),成为亚洲区胸腺恶性疾病协作组成员,对胸腺肿瘤的发病机制、临床特点、基于分子生物学特性的新治疗方法与国际同步,在胸腺全腔镜微创手术(单孔、单操作孔、双侧胸腺切除)经验丰富,对于复杂、疑难胸腺手术具有一定经验,对于胸腺肿瘤合并重症肌无力、PRCA、GOOD综合征等合并症的情况善于与神经内科、免疫内科、血液内科、病理科、ICU等科室多学科协作。
In terms of thymic tumors, study under the tutelage of Professor Frank Detterbeck -Yale University (President of the International Thymic Malignancy Interest Group, ITMIG) from 2011, and became a member of ITMIG in Asia.
Specializing in pathogenesis, clinical characteristics, and new treatment based on molecular biology characteristics of thymic tumors are synchronized with international standard.
Experienced in thymic minimally invasive surgery (single port, single operation port, and bilateral thymectomy), and certain experience in difficult thymic surgery.
Advocating multi-disciplinary team (MDT) with neurology, immunology, hematology, pathology, ICU and other departments for thymic tumors accompanying myasthenia gravis, PRCA, GOOD syndrome and other complications.
梁乃新医师,2003年以优异成绩毕业于中国协和医科大学临床八年制,2008年起受聘北京协和医院胸外科主治医师,2014年获得卫生部心胸副主任医师资格。2011-2013年,2次赴美国著名医学院进修,包括耶鲁大学医学院及其附属YALE NEW HAVEN医院、纽约MEMORIAL SLOAN-KETTERING CANCER CENTER(纪念斯隆-凯特琳癌症中心)、MGH(Massachusetts General Hospital,麻省总医院)。 目前是AATS( American Association for Thoracic Surgery,美国胸外科协会)长期会员;胸外科专业顶级杂志ATS(Annals of Thoracic Surgery...