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副教授 副主任医师 Associate Professor
擅长 : 研究方向是消化道肿瘤,对肝、胆管系统肿瘤、胃癌、肠癌、食管癌、胰腺癌进行了深入的研究,首次引入消化道肿瘤患者人工腹水灌注化疗技术,并取得较好的临床疗效,在腹腔转移癌的治疗方面积累了丰富的临床经验。多年来参加了百余例的消化道肿瘤和脑部转移肿瘤的多学科疑难病例会诊。一直开展老年肿瘤患者的综合评估,总结大量经治的老年肿瘤患者评估和治疗的临床经验,对老年肿瘤的化疗和靶向治疗方面有独到的见解,发表相关学术论著4篇。 Specializing in digestive tract tumors. Having carried out in-depth research on liver and bile duct system tumors, gastric cancer, colorectal cancer, esophageal cancer, and pancreatic cancer. Having pioneered in the introduction of artificial ascites perfusion chemotherapy for the treatment of patients with digestive tract tumor, which has not only achieved good clinical efficacy, but also accumulated rich clinical experience in the treatment of abdominal metastatic cancer. Having participated in the multidisciplinary treatment of over 100 cases of digestive tract tumors and metastatic tumors of the brain over the years. Having been practicing comprehensive evaluation of the elderly patients with tumor, which resulted in rich clinical experience in the evaluation and treatment of elderly tumor patients as well as insightful views on their chemotherapy and targeted therapy. Having published four related papers.




   专业特长:全面掌握肿瘤内科知识和最新研究进展,研究方向是消化道肿瘤,对肝、胆管系统肿瘤、胃癌、肠癌、食管癌、胰腺癌进行了深入的研究,首次引入消化道肿瘤患者人工腹水灌注化疗技术,并取得较好的临床疗效,在腹腔转移癌的治疗方面积累了丰富的临床经验。多年来参加了百余例的消化道肿瘤和脑部转移肿瘤的多学科疑难病例会诊。一直开展老年肿瘤患者的综合评估,总结大量经治的老年肿瘤患者评估和治疗的临床经验,对老年肿瘤的化疗和靶向治疗方面有独到的见解,发表学术论著4篇。在职期间参与多项国际和国内的Ⅰ~Ⅳ期新药临床研究,在核心期刊发表16篇论著,其中SCI 2篇,参与《抗肿瘤药物临床应用指南》一书的编写工作。
